‘Cyberpunk: Edgerunners’ (Season 1) TV Show Review: A Cybernetic Masterpiece

In 2020, Cyberpunk 2077 a video game based in a future where cybernetic enhancements to the human body are more common than not released to the dismay of many. Fans were incredibly excited before the release and they were greeted with one of the most buggy games created in recent years. It was a mess thousands of refunds were given and the game was even taken off the shelves by Playstation.

The news of an anime set in the same universe as that game was therefore welcomed with a great deal of animosity. But in the end, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners won our affection and turned out to be one of the best animes to come out in 2022.

‘Harley Quinn’ (Season 1 & 2) TV Show Review: Well… That Was Something

What should be a definite slam dunk, Harley Quinn meets adult comedy, however, the presentation falls a little short in the wonderful category. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of things you’ll like, but you’ll also want to overlook a number of issues.

‘Inside Job’ (Season 1) TV Show Review: A Huge Leap Forward

What happens when conspiracy theories meet adult animation? Apparently, a show that blows other current adult animated comedies out of the water! From its comedy to the adventurous storylines and characters I didn’t wanna stop watching.

‘Chicago Party Aunt’ (Season 1) TV Show Review: Aggressively Average

If there’s one thing I believe most people can agree on, it’s that we don’t need another adult animated show like all the others. There was a lot of negative talk about this show before it even premiered.

I was hesitant at first, but I decided to give it a try, and I have to say, it shocked me, and oddly enough, I ended up enjoying it.

‘Invincible’ TV Show Review: Love Hurts

Superheroes have been given much emphasis for years. It feels like every other month, a new show or film is coming out dealing with super-powered individuals.

Invincible was no different, and for weeks all I saw on social media was “have you seen the new episode of Invincible” or “did the new episode come out yet?”. It was an internet phenomenon but did it live up to all the hype?

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